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Christhor said:
enditall727 said:
Christhor said:
enditall727 said:
Christhor said:
M.U.G.E.N said:
happydolphin said:

Look, it's just my opinion. M.U.G.E.N. actually played it and he says it's good. I appreciate that because it's hands on, then again he loves everything Sony releases so it's hard to take it completely seriously.


what a load of bullshit..I would appreciate if you don't say stupid crap like that please. and did you just compare mario kart to TM? 0_o wtf sure you played the game before? They are NOTHING alike.

and just so I'm clear and since cuz of stupid arguments like these the sony section is deserted on this are more than welcome to check over at a place like GAF on their impressions on the game. You will find hundreds of opinions there. No one gives a shit about graphics on this game as long as it performs well and it does that amazingly well.

You sure you've played Mario Kart? Because the arena mode in Mario Kart is essentially a Twisted Metal junior. Don't get your panties in a knot just because it's a viable comparison.

Also, the original reviewer guy did make a pretty decent point. If take a game that was good in the Ps1 days, and essentially just give it a graphical overhaul, then you do have every right to say to say that it's outdated. Why? Because they can be. Why isn't this the case with Mario Kart? Because the controlls are great by todays standard.

Now, I haven't played a Twisted Metal game since 2, and I don't think I am going to play this one, but if the gameplay was mostly unchanged then points should be removed because of that. It was a clunky game back in the day, but it fit the time. Now? Not so much.

you said this as if EVERYBODY claimed that Twisted Metal ps3 was outdated

isn't this guy the only person that had slick sh!t to say about Twisted Metal? hince why Jaffe replied to his comments

and you do know that there was Twisted Metal Black on ps2 right? so why act as if the last twisted metal before the ps3 was only released on the ps1?



You clearly didn't understand my post. I never said that Twisted Metal Ps3 was outdated, nor did I state that everyone has been saying it is. I said that if it hadn't evolved at all, then it would have been outdated. Two very different things.

And I really can't base my own views of Black, since I, like everyone else, did not play that game. That is why I based it on the Ps1 game.

no, i think i understood it clearly


you said --> Also, the original reviewer guy did make a pretty decent point. If take a game that was good in the Ps1 days, and essentially just give it a graphical overhaul, then you do have every right to say to say that it's outdated.

^^you were basically implying here that Twisted Metal IS IN FACT outdated because that specific ps1 game that he was talking about WAS Twisted Metal


Now you are truely showing that you did not understand what I said. I stated he had a point, the point is valid, I didn't state that it was right in terms of Twisted Metal. You are the one reading between the lines.

Why? Because they can be. Why isn't this the case with Mario Kart? Because the controlls are great by todays standard.

^^ here you are implying that UNLIKE Twisted Metal, Mario Kart has in fact evolved gameplay wise

you were trying to say that Mario Kart obviously did something right because nobody criticised it for being outdated like THEY(this 1 specific guy) did with Twisted even though Mario Karts gameplay has basically been the same for years(like this guy tried to claim for Twisted)


Again, I am not implying that the Twisted Metal controlls are bad, just that the Mario Kart controlls are great by todays standard, which they actually are. I never stated that Twisted Metal was outdated, I don't actually know, but I was countering all the people saying "But Mario Kart hasn't changed much, and everyone loves that!" Some controlls can work in todays gaming, others do not. That is a simple truth.


and i should know because i play them all

that reviewer had an agenda

Jaffe was justified in my book..

Added stuff in yo quote.


Now you are truely showing that you did not understand what I said. I stated he had a point, the point is valid, I didn't state that it was right in terms of Twisted Metal. You are the one reading between the lines.

lol ok whatever you say, Christhor *rolls eyes*


Again, I am not implying that the Twisted Metal controlls are bad, just that the Mario Kart controlls are great by todays standard, which they actually are.

yea and they have been the same for years like all these other games

and i didnt say that you implied that Twisted's "controls" are bad, im talking about the gameplay being outdated

who the hell would get mad about the controls of a game being the same LOL

i cant imagine somebody complaining saying "the button A/X has been used as the jump button for years now, THESE CONTROLS ARE OUTDATED! " LOL


I never stated that Twisted Metal was outdated, I don't actually know, but I was countering all the people saying "But Mario Kart hasn't changed much, and everyone loves that!"

why would you even try to counter that when it's true though?


Some controlls can work in todays gaming, others do not. That is a simple truth.

give me an example