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Very first impression was that it's significantly lighter than I expected. I guess the PSP's bulkiness left me anticipating a monster, but it was actually rather comfortable to hold. I'm going to attribute the lack of weight to the lack of the UMD slot.

Upon actually having it in my hands, I noticed another thing - it is gigantic, but not quite as gigantic as I'd expected. It's still much too big to put into most pockets, which significantly hinders its portability.

Another thing hindering its portability is the analog sticks. The sticks feel great - I rather appreciate the way they work - but they protrude, and that makes it awkward for putting the system inside anything, just as we'd all expected when the model was first revealed.

Screen is beautiful. If they release a PSV Go that lets the system "collapse" to be just a screen, you can bet your ass I'll be all over one of 'em. It'd be great for portable movies and whatnot, especially since a Go edition would (1) not be a complete flop this time around since it would easily have all the same features, (2) be more pocket friendly, and (3) cover those sticks when collapsed.
