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I'm not begin on HD collections or rehashes but there are some that I think could and really should happen.

1st Party

Metroid Collection - Would essentially be Metroid Prime Trilogy in HD, wiimote controls intact. They  could throw Other M in there too and, if you want to get crazy, put Hunters in there with Prime-level graphics and expanded multiplayer (new arenas, more players, etc.)

Zelda Collection - Wind Waker, Twilight Princess (Wii and GCN versions), and Skyward Sword. I don't see OoT or MM getting in on this...what would blow my mind is if Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks ended up in there with Wind Waker level graphics, but staying intact because of the Upad controls.

Digital Collection - All of Nintendo's Wiiware and DSiware games put on a disk or card for Wii U/3DS, for the people that don't want to download them. These types of collections happen a lot on PC, hasn't seemed to translate to consoles yet. I figured Microsoft would have done a "Best of XBLA" disc by now...

3D Mario Collection - Sunshine, Galaxy and Galaxy 2. I'm not sure if Mario 64 won't look like complete ass when HD'd up, but it shouldn't be a big ordeal to give the game a makeover, but still allow the option of playing it with the original N64 graphics. They can maybe throw Luigi's Mansion in there too.

3rd Party

These games don't necessarily have to be Wii U exclusive, I just want to see them happen.

Tales Collection - My God, Namco needs to make this happen. The only real problem is that there are so many Tales games, they would have to break it down into volumes. And even if they decided to bring the collection over, half of the games were never localized so we'd be getting a truncated version anyway. Still that's about 8 games for us.

Shining Collection - Another overdue collection, Sega can break it down into the Shining Force Collection and the Shining Collection for all the fans that realize there's a series before and after Force. SF Collection would have 1-3 + CD, Shining collection could have Darkness, Holy Ark, Wisdom, etc. I'd like to see stuff like Shining Blade but I doubt it.

Modern Sonic Collection - Sega has done classic Sonic collections twice over, and even a misc collection with the Gems collection, so it's time to do the modern 3D games. I'm sure no one is looking forward to seeing Shadow or 06 repackaged, but it's still easy money for Sega and a sort of apology to Nintendo fans for Sega's stubbornness against letting the hedgehog thrive on Nintendo platforms outside of Mario team ups. For the record, this would be every 3D game from  Adventure (DX plz) to Colors.

Call of Duty Collection - Every CoD in one package (or at least starting with Modern Warfare), they can make the online a "best of," incorporating the best of every CoD with maps and perks from every game available, like some sort of omni CoD online experience. Don't know how feasible that is, though...

Castlevania Collection - Do I need to elaborate? There's been rumors of this for years, and it needs to be more than 3 or 4 games.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"