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Acevil said:
osamanobama said:
sales2099 said:
pezus said:
sales2099 said:
77 metacritic. Good quality as I am a fan of 70-79 rated games but certainly below the impossible standard PS3 fans hype up their exclusives.

Twisted Metal didn't get much hype at all, plus wait for more reviews. It is 80+ on gamerankings now

Oh pleeeeease. First, gamerankings is second string. We use metacritic. Second, every, and I mean every big PS3 retail exclusive is expected to get 90+ by the forum dwellers. 

I for one, set realistic expectations. I predict Alan Wake AN to be in the mid 80's. 

please link me to ONE person that though TM was going to get over 90 on metacritic.

also, who's "we"? i use gameranking all the time, in fact i prefer it to metacritc. what makes it sencond string?

Stolen from seece, you can have fun with it however you like. 

so 2 people out of 50 people thought it was going to get a 90 (not over a 90).

smy point still stands.

also when was this taken, most likely it was over a year ago (before review sites started lowering their average scores, they were higher pre-late 2010/early 2011)