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Jumpin said:
adriane23 said:
Until she can wow a crowd with just herself on stage and no gimmicks for an entire show, I'm gonna go with a no on this. And she'll never be able to buy great songs like he did.

Though, why hold her to higher standards than Elvis? Elvis wasn't even a songwriter like Lady Gaga (who writes, composes, and produces), he was purely a performer.


On the original question. As far as current musicians go, she has a lot of potential - and not the major drug problems of other similar break out artists. I think she'll have greater longevity if she can keep her fingers on the culture pulse and not have some sort of explosion and slide to obscurity like Blondie, or blow her brains out like Kurt Cobain.

Elvis was a songwriter, he just never performed them because they weren't any good. Lady Gaga writes bad songs and performs them in suck a ridiculously shocking way that people overlook how stupid her lyrics are. I still think she has a good singer, and like Madonna before her, all she needs is keep people guessing on what she'll do next, and she'll be labeled a legend and do a Super Bowl half time show. A fake accent may also help.

I am the Playstation Avenger.