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HappySqurriel said:
.:Dark Prince:. said:
HappySqurriel said:
In 5 years I would expect that (somewhere around) 80% of her current fans to be ashamed to admit that they were once liked her ... So I doubt she will be 'as big as Elvis'

Ashamed of what? Of her talent? I agree she's so popular based on part gimmicks and part talent, but the girl has a great voice and she can sing live while dancing, unlike most pop singers today. 

She stands up for the minority, not just in words but in actions too. (See her DADT videos, and the fact that she met with Obama to discuss gay bullying)

Why would anyone be ashamed of being her fan? Because she knows how to sell her songs? If you were given the chance to become a multi-millionare by doing all the wacky shows and clothes etc, you would probably do so. I know I would.

Anyway, she won't be as big as Elvis, based on the fact that compared to her first and second album, Born This Way (the album) is not as mainstream or catchy (bar a couple of songs). And it seems like she's not gonna pursue a dance/pop centric career, but more of a dark pop/rock (at least on the lyric side)

Fans of every pop singer claim that their pop star can sing unlike other pop singers, but I have yet to hear anything that makes her any better than the vast majority of pop singers.

When I'm talking about people being embarassed it is based on how dated what she did is. Songs like Poker Face are already very dated and it is unlikely that you would find many people who would listen to that often anymore, and it is only 4 years old. Part of this is related to the genre of music she is in (pop-dance) which has very limited lasting apeal, and a large part of this is related to the gimicks she uses to be "cutting edge" and stand out from the pop music crowds decrease the lasting appeal.

I can't say I don't agree with the bolded part, but that's the case with any pop song today.

But, I really can't find any other singer in the same genre who can dance like she does and still not being totally off-key (except probably Beyonce, but they have completely different kind of music) and she sings live in EVERY show she does (unlike the likes of Rihanna, Britney Spears, Katy Perry and even Madonna!). Now, if you can, please link me one.

EDIT: Oh and I just uploaded Poker Face on my Facebook a couple of days ago, and had a fair share of people sharing it afterwards, just sayin' :P