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Mr Khan said:
It would have been interesting to see Paul get a state, just to see how it swings the intra-party dialogue

Perhaps he'll pick something up on Super Tuesday

Maine wasn't finished counting. Washington County wasn't counted, counting was delayed a week. Washington County is a very populous county, and contains a major University. It is still very possible for Paul to win this one.

As for the reason behind the delay... snow storm. The Maine GOP delayed the counting for a week due to predicted "1-2 inches" of snow... I figured that this was actually exceedingly low for Maine, and most other things stayed open. Maybe they delayed the count because they knew it would be a strong Paul territory, and wanted to give Romney the win, while the State was in the mind of the media.

Interestingly, Clark County of Nevada (where all the voter mishaps happened) was also meant to be incredibly strong for Paul. Those 8 precincts in Iowa where they "lost" the ballots, or whatever? Contained University towns. Very fishy.

However, Paul seems to be playing the GOP at their own game, and are winning the delegates in the caucus states, anyway. Here's an interview with a campaign manager Doug Weed: