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Kynes said:
I can assure you, the economy here is similar to a post war economy, the last government was the worst of the plagues, and the new one seems to be lost with the huge black hole they have found. We need a complete change in the system to a freer one. Spain is the country in the western world where you need more time and bureaucracy papers to create a company, most people here only want to be government employees, and the entrepreneurs are despised.

It's a very sad state of affairs we have here, probably I'll have to fire two of the five workers on my company because of the losses due to payments not done by the different governments. They hire your company in public offerings, but then they don't pay you in the accorded date, sometimes they pay you two years after the due date or even later.

That is very sad, and the same thing happens in Brazil.

The people don't want to create anything in Brazil, they just want public jobs, where they don't do anything useful and earn a lot of money. This way, they already started destroying the country.