No one is to blame for rares own mistakes. . lets see perfect dark zero one more time . and compare it to the original . it just does not hold up against it. and whys that you ask maybe its
1-lack of content
2 controlling the character is a chore and killing ai in multiplayer is more of a chore then it should be .even on its easy diffiuclty setting
3 lack of weapons in comparision to the original ,
4 levels. theres only at start -6 multiplayer levels plus 2 free then you gotta pay 800 msp for 4 other maps thats a travesty and thats still 4 less then the original also note 2 of the maps are actually from the original
5 the sp campaigne is easy as a hot knife through butter
and the rest of their games aint to much better either kameo was ok . viva meh ,. banjo tried to much to be super mario galaxy but in the end failed and
their only good games this gen were diddy kong racing ds and perfect dark xbla as well as 2 banjo n64 remakes .
so rare killed them selfs.
no body else,.
lets not forget they had the opertunity to give us goldeneye on wii and xbla. the 3 companies failed to meet an agreement ms rare and nintendo along with activision
as a result we got a good wii version and a un nessisary port that sucked so much ass in comparision . there was nothing even different on the 360 ps3 version in fact they took time trial mode out and changed it with 32 combat op missions
and everything that was bad about goldeneye wii was still present in the remake/port-awful multiplayer facility
need i say more not to mention upon release servers where shot
rare just did everything bad this entire gen well even before .
outside gba ports of dkc banjo advance and conker on xbox
everything else was average at best