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amaral_slb said:

I sure hope you are right and the Vita had something to do with it, that beauty deserves commercial success, because if that happens that think will have one of the best library of games ever. Potential is huge, but the Playstation brand has lost so much power in US that I think the Vita has a HUGE mountain to climb.

As for the other points, they make sense, we just need Feb numbers to see if this is a trend, or just a one year kind of thing (weaker Jan)

Vita sure is a sweet device. Had a chance to spend time with it during E3 last year and then again with a JP model last month. If you have the price of admission-- and if Sony stays the course with it-- Vita has a ton of upside. Problem is going to be getting more than early adopters / Sony core audiences to part with $250+, especially with Nintendo dangling a less-expensive carrot in front of everyone. 

Fantastic point about the PlayStation brand, too, here in the US. It's Microsoft's game right now, with Nintendo hanging around via 3DS and Sony just kind of treading water. People don't "play PlayStation" anymore. They play "Xbox". That's the brand association that mass market has right now. It doesn't help that Sony killed the branding by going SEN from PSN, plus minimizing the brand with the Vita. It seems as though Sony is conceding that PlayStation is a tired, struggling brand.