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thismeintiel said:
amaral_slb said:
thismeintiel said:
amaral_slb said:
Shinobi-san, thismeintiel

No one is acting like what that guy is saying is the complete and undeniable truth.
Fact is no numbers will come out from NPD, and Sony, Nintendo and MS didn´t provide enough numbers.

You have 2 options, you don´t care, or you read, and if there are guys (that claim seeing the numbers and are reliable by not gaining anything from posting BS) that can provide some hints, you extrapolate and reach numbers that gives you an idea of what they actually sold (or who sold more then who).

NPD reports are getting thiner and thiner by the month.

While that's true, we still get MS's statements, by which we can extrapolate the remaing share the Wii and PS3 got.  Now, this guy claims MS was wrong in their press release, when they have never been in the past.  Sure, they may have rounded up and the marketshare is closer to 48%, but that would still only leave ~293K for the PS3/Wii, not the over 340K this guy is suggesting.  Plus, this guy definitely has something to gain from posting BS, especially now that aren't going to be releases to prove him wrong.  He gets more hits to his blog and he may just get off on the fact he has people following and believing him.

IDK bro, at this point who knows? Industry guys are questioning NPDs numbers, is NPD telling the truth? Console sales tracking is DOOMED, haha

The only reason they're questioning them is because no one expected the gen to decline so "early."  I put that in quotation marks because if they actually looked at how long these consoles have been on the market, this is far from early.  They keep siting 2004 sales, but Lord knows why.  The PS2, the oldest surviving console at the time, was approaching its 4th full year on the market.  This year, the 360 is working on its 6th.  I find it ridiculous that EVERYONE has been fine with NPD's numbers in the past, but then just because no one saw this happening this fast, they're starting to question NPD.  Like they all of a sudden forgot how to track numbers. 

I am with you, I see nothing wrong with these numbers from a believable stand point. MS Sony and Nintendo were extremely active on BF, sales went strong in November, and after sales suffered. But at the same time I understand some doubting, just from a 3DS stand point. Don´t you think that a brand "new" console, should not suffer this much when it comes to sales in January? We can´t blame bad sales on old hardware and see 3Ds doing some mediocre numbers.

At the same time ioi said earlier they have no intention in making any adjustments to January data based on this, so, he knows something we don´t, so maybe questioning NPD numbers might be legit.