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Hey, all. I'm the guy that some of you are talking about. I saw some traffic to my blog originating from here, and I'm glad that I took the time to visit. 

I'll get right to the point. Yes, I do have access to the raw NPD snapshot data as provided by a retail contact. I am not allowed, obviously, to share raw unit or dollar sales in any fashion as that data is considered sensitive and can only be shared (on a voluntary basis) by the companies that NPD tracks. I can, however, use the data to provide analysis and insight into what's going on month-to-month.

I started Armchair Analysis last month after the KmartGamer project went away, for what it's worth. I'm still learning, obviously, but between retail experience and time around the industry, I am simply making calls as I see them. 

I understand that there's some disbelief about my source and/or validity. Unfortunately, with PR from Sony and NIntendo holding back on numbers (as they're not great), my analysis is getting picked up on by more people, such as at NeoGAF. I'm glad that I have more people talking about numbers and trends for January, as there are a lot of people interested in this line of conversation.