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naruball said:

You mean like Gamecube?

At some point this sales=quality notion needs to die.

The success of a system depends on a whole lot of things. Innovation / lowest price / best exclusives / time of release /marketing/hype etc. Anything alone is not enough. It's all or most of these things put together.

Here's the reasons I bought a wii in 2008.

1)The ps3 was bloody expensive, I didn't have much money and due to bad press I was under the impression that Sony were making a huge profit on each console because they were greedy.

2)The hype of Wii Sports was insane. I played the game for a few months (though spent about 30 hours in total) and was quite bored after that

3)I wanted to play WiiFit to lose wait. I played it for about 20 hours and was hugely disappointed. I had tons of fun playing Naruto (wii) though (my first Naruto game on an next generation  console).

I also bought Super Mario Galaxy due to hype and because the Wii offered no other games that interested me. I played it for a few hours, but didn't enjoy it that much (nevertheless, I think it's a 9,5/10 game, just not for me).

I bought a ps3 in 2009 and have about 130 games vs 8 wii games (though I have no doubt that there are tons of wii games that I never got to play that are brilliant)

This is not a Wii Sucks post. I'm just trying to show that the success of a game or console can depend on many reasons, quality might be one of them, but definitely not the only, and for everyone.

there's not a single thing on earth that likes to everyone, if that was the case Wii would have sold 150m +, the thing is what likes to most people, and in this case, the sales of Wii exclusives speak by themselves, this site is all about sales, and therefore the answer to the thread title but of course the point is that everyone tells his/her opinion

it depends on many things, but  Nintendo games in this case is the main reason Wii succeed, people got it because it was cheap, in order to play Nintendo games which they heard from others are awesome and that's why many Nintendo Wii's games had the legs of 20m

sales mean a higher chance to be quality in someone's eyes actually

like Rol said, consumers vote with their wallets, same for music and movies, now if VGC members like PS3 exclusives the most, nothing wrong with that, i like them too, just not as much as the Wii exclusives

don't mind my username, that was more than 10 years ago, I'm a different person now, amazing how people change ^_^