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RolStoppable said:
naruball said:
RolStoppable said:

The Wii, of course. Consumers vote with their wallets and on the Xbox 360 and PS3 they routinely choose third party multiplatform games over exclusives.

I totally agree. I mean we all know Zumba fitness is miles better than Mass effect.

Looks like you didn't understand my point. The sales comparison I am applying here is limited to each system's own library, not one against another.

On the Wii, exclusives sell by far the best. On both the 360 and PS3 it is multiplatform games dominating the bestsellers list, so the exclusives on these systems can't be as great as the heavily biased sample we have in this thread suggests. On the Wii, you can say with absolute certainty that its exclusives are the best games on the system. On the HD consoles, you can't. If those exclusives were as great as this thread suggests (well, this goes first and foremost for the PS3), then owners of these consoles wouldn't choose multiplatform games over exclusives. If someone wants to convince others that the PS3 has the best exclusives, then they should start by explaining why PS3 owners are hesitant to spend their money on exclusives.

The other option would be to just look at this thread in the way of "What is your favorite console?", but this would be boring.

Agreed with bolded, disagree with italicized/underlined. It's like saying that Call of Duty mw/ bo is better than Mass Effect/Forza 3 etc. They buy the game because of hype or many other possible reasons.

I absolutely despise FPS (always get dizzy when I play them), but still bought Killzone 2 and 3 because some friends of mine like them (plus they were really cheap). It's a reason to invite them over and then play Tekken 6