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amaral_slb said:
Shinobi-san, thismeintiel

No one is acting like what that guy is saying is the complete and undeniable truth.
Fact is no numbers will come out from NPD, and Sony, Nintendo and MS didn´t provide enough numbers.

You have 2 options, you don´t care, or you read, and if there are guys (that claim seeing the numbers and are reliable by not gaining anything from posting BS) that can provide some hints, you extrapolate and reach numbers that gives you an idea of what they actually sold (or who sold more then who).

NPD reports are getting thiner and thiner by the month.

While that's true, we still get MS's statements, by which we can extrapolate the remaing share the Wii and PS3 got.  Now, this guy claims MS was wrong in their press release, when they have never been in the past.  Sure, they may have rounded up and the marketshare is closer to 48%, but that would still only leave ~293K for the PS3/Wii, not the over 340K this guy is suggesting.  Plus, this guy definitely has something to gain from posting BS, especially now that aren't going to be releases to prove him wrong.  He gets more hits to his blog and he may just get off on the fact he has people following and believing him.