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I have to give it to the Wii. Nintendo will always be first or second in the exclusives running because of their timeless lineup of greats ... Mario, Zelda, Kirby ect.

Second place is a toss up for me. Xbox 360 has less in terms of quanity, but I would rather play a Halo, Gears, or even a crappy Fable game over most of what PS3 is offering, and it would seem most Sony fans would agree based on the lackluster sales of most of the Sony exclusives. Uncharted seems like the only break out exclusive Sony has this gen, and it is a game I could never get into.

Although I usually purchase the major exclusives for all 3 consoles, I find that I really only end up playing them for any length of time on the Wii. The best games of this gen are all third party so it really does not matter which has the better exclusives between PS3 and 360 in my eyes.