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yeah I can't say this is surprising, and I think its time Sony realise this, what some people might not realise is this may not even affect them, take last years Son'y published titles: (arranged in three groups: Big Profit - Slight Profit/Break Even - Big Loss)

LittleBigPlanet 2 
Killzone 3
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

DC Universe Online (since it became P4F, I doubt its selling that well)

Infamous 2 (probably slight profit, but with the DLC, I'd say its a healthy profit now)

Resistance 3 (very disappoiting sales, break even, much more was expected)
The Ico & Shadow of the Colossus Collection (fair profit for relatively little work, but not that many sales)
White Knight Chronicles 2 (just publishing costs, but not many sales)
MLB 11: The Show (not that many sales, but its a yearly franchise)

Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One (quite a failure for the franchise, the franchise is pretty much dead :/)
MotorStorm: Apocalypse (same as above)
SOCOM 4 (same as above)
Ape Escape On The Move (pretty big failure)

 PlayStation Move Heroes (pretty big failure)
Medieval Moves: Deadmund's Quest (another failure)
Start the Party 2 (failure)
Carnival Island (failure)
Everybody Dance (failure)
God of War: Origins Collection (very low sales, a failure even thoguh it was a port)

I think all the titles underlined, should of not been given the green light to be produced, they are either unlikely to succedd or are using a franchise which doesn't sell well (like MLB 11, I think it should be cut now), the other titles are a risk, but a risk worth taking and not entirely predictable