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kitler53 said:
Jexy said:
Seece said:
Still, the January results are so poor that their validity should be questioned, says Wedbush Securities analyst Michael Pachter. From 2004 to 2011, January software sales have averaged $518 million, making this month's $355.9 million figure "just hard to digest," he says. "It also makes no sense that sales are below the level from 2004, when games were cheaper and the installed base of consoles was much lower. ... I don't know if the NPD is getting faulty data, but these numbers make no sense."

Did they leave out Walmart or something?  I mean... it is a ridiculous dip.  But then again... the real unemployment in this country and the lower wages and underemployed people are FAR higher than EVER.  So that may be really taking a hit on things.  I mean, Black Friday was the one big day and then... bubkis after that.  December was down, Jan is down... Maybe BF really was that one big day.

i have a job and plenty of disposable income and honestly, i haven't bought any video games since uncharted 3 back on nov. 1st.  it's not really money, i'm just jaded.  i think i just want the new gen to start already and nintendo is still far off while ms/sony are even further...

Yeah but you already have your consoles.  You aren't in the market for another one.  And maybe that's it.  Everyone reads things on the internet.  Everyone knows that the new Wii is coming out.  And everyone knows that the new Xbox and PS aren't far behind.  Maybe they are just waiting?