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Since the first moment I came on this site there have been created "thousand" threads with question when the numbers will be posted. All these threads are making the forums very chaotic.
That's the reason why I have created this thread I will update it as soon as I have information about the numbers.

Period                 What                                                                                          When ?           Source 
12/01 - 19/01   
 North America
Period              What                                    When ?           Source 
12/01-19/01  The software numbers will not come untill tomorrow I'm afraid01/23 - 01:20   ioi
 1 hour for the software01/24 - 00:30 ioi
20/01-26/01 Software might be delayed until tomorrow01/29 - 23:24 ioi
 Hardware will be up shortly01/29 - 23:24 ioi

 Japan1 hour for NA software, 3 hrs for Japan

Period                 What                                                                                          When ?             Source 
 13/01 - 20/01 3 hours for Japan. 24/01 - 00.30 ioi


Last update : 00:00 GMT 24/01/08
