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Hyruken said:
ethomaz said:
Jadedx said:
pezus said:
Jadedx said:
cookingyourmama said:
zhao3gold said:
The January sales is so sad. But I still feel happy that Microsoft now officially claimed XBOX360 was the best-selling console in 2011 and delivered the promise of Don Mattrick made on the stage of last year E3.

Ugh, xbox360 was the most shipped console, not the best selling.

According to vgchartz. They have been way off in the last few months.

Yes, they've been overtracking the 360. How does that help your point?

They have been overtracking the ps3 as well and they have been overtracking the ps3 in europe by greater numbers than 360 in the US.

WFT??? The Nintendo report showed 360 and PS3 on spot in Europe.

Don't want to turn it into a fanboy war as this website has become ruined by them.

But I will say if you believe Nintendo's numbers then why do people not believe Microsofts or Sony's? Seems the Nintendo figures are accepted without question whilst the other two (more so MS) are questioned?

The way I see it is as I said earlier in the thread. We can try and look at the data being wrong and maybe say NPD made a mistake but the reality is sometimes the tracking for this site is way out. Last month pretty much all of them were mega out. What is to say this isn't just another month where the tracking/guessing is just wrong?

The other thing that maybe makes these numbers real is because of what Sony said a week ago in their conference call. That they forecast now lower PS3 sales by a million. There has to be reasons why they think that and naturally that would be down to lower demand for the console then at the time when they made the forecast.

I think it is pretty obvious VGC has been over-tracking the consoles. Most notibly the 360 in US as last month was over a million out. And in my opinion the PS3 in the non US/Japan/UK/Fr regions. Because if it was doing as well as the site thinks then I don't see why they would feel the need to tell their shareholders that PS3 numbers are not as good as we thought they would be?

What I think is certain is that this generation peaked ages ago and 2012 will be a really bad year in terms of hardware numbers across the board. I think we are at that stage where no game will pull in millions of new customers anymore. Things like Kinect did but even that's effect is now a lot less then it was. We will most deffinatly see price cuts sooner rather then later because the next couple of months are going to be worse.

We trust more in Nintendo because...

- Nintendo acquired one tracking service company years ago... so Nintendo have their own tracking service... MS and Sony not.
- Sony never show sold numbers (just the shipped one). 
- Microsoft says "over 66 million user base" but the real numbers are "65.8 million shipped".
- Microsoft always use NPD US for all... even when is talking about Worldwide.

- Nintendo shows the numbers * transparency *.

There are more reasons...