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Microsoft will have a very difficult time selling a console with a touch screen controller and Kinetic. The controller itself would need to be extremely expensive if it is to out gun Nintendo's. Also the smaller more compact size will make it difficult for Microsoft gamers to get the same game play as Nintendo consumers. Thus defeating any benefit to Microsoft.

I wonder if this tablet controller will really be the primary control system. I have doubts Microsoft would bundle this with the console. It would make sense for Microsoft to have an Xbox brand tablet comparable with the next Xbox. But to bundle a controller with touch screen would be stupid.

Classic consumers will freak. Nintendo owns the casual market and they have always been seen as the leader of the industry. It would make a little sense to release a tablet controller system alongside Nintendo's. But it wouldn't work for Microsoft in the long run.

399$ estimated price sounds very optimistic. I have doubts Nintendo can release WiiU at a profit for 350$ and even greater doubts that Microsoft could launch the nextbox for 400$ and turn a profit. According to rumors the console will be 20% more powerful then WiiU choosing to go after Nintendo in a direct fire fight. But unlike Nintendo Microsoftbappears to be planning a more expensive Kinetic camera


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer