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Went to the next town over to have a tax preparer file my taxes. Before I went, I grabbed a Circle Pad Pro and a copy of Resident Evil for the 3DS. Cool.

I had to grab a copy of my vehicle registration from my glove compartment for some tax related reason. When I did, a $50 bill, a $10 bill, and a bunch of $1 bills were hidden away. I have no idea where they came from. Even better.

Anyway, my taxes were done by a fairly hot girl. She seemed to be impressed with me, too. We made small talk about my job and stuff. Then, I asked her about the digital picture frame on her desk. "These pictures--where were they taken?", I asked. "Oh, Germany. Spain.'s easy because I don't have any kids.", she said. She named a lot of other places that I can't even remember. "Oh, you're way out of my league.", I said out loud. She laughed, but I was serious! I've never even left the country and I haven't been very far outside of my state in years. Maybe a few hundred miles North or South of Georgia.

I've got to do some traveling. That's my goal for this year. Get out of the country.