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My parents used to stay up late trying to beat SMB1 for the NES. They could never get passed lvl 1. Ever since, they haven't played many games, though my Mom likes to watch me played Mario sometimes. She loves Mario.

My sisters all grew up playing NES, though they rarely play now, and it's what first got me into games. One of my sisters is a bit of a nerd (but a cool nerd), and she married a total Nintendo fanboy (not that he doesn't like other systems, he just usually only buys Nintendo). He owns both a Wii and a DS, and they are currently raising a 1 1/2 y/o daughter, who will undoubtedly be to taught to love video games.

Actually, my brother-in-law's dad is a gamer. He's over 50, and he camped out for a 360 when it launched. He currently owns all three consoles and a couple of PCs. He is one of the weirdest men I know, but I think he's cool just because he's a 50+ hardcore gamer. :)