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Michelasso said:

It isn't just about graphics and presentation.Which are excellent as the reviewer admit himself (gorgeous visuals). It is that all FF games have great visuasl, good music, a long enough story, a great environment, a good battle system. Any game always had at least one purposely annoyngly funny character. Any game had a battle system that no matter what could be played just holding the X button 90-95% of times (doing that now with FF VI. Seriously, how boring). It is mostly a matter of hitting and sometime healing. Then there are the bosses and it gets a different story. All RPG elements are there, and FF XIII-2 is even more complex than other adding all the monsters. Everything fit together and plays SMOOTHLY, without glitches, hic-ups, nroken cameras or controls because of the excellent quality of the impementation and also being fun. More for some than others. How can a reviewer end up trashing a game like this? I am not saying everyone should give an 80, 90 or even 100. But if one doesn't like the game it still can't go below 70.

Now I read that also EDGE gave a 5/10. Well, those are the same jerks that gave FF X a 6/10!!! To FF X, probably the best FF game ever!! Lowering the Metacritic score. Doesn't anyone see that people like that should get another job? I want a mechanism for reviewing the reviewers then. These people have no rights to have their biased OPINION counted as a professional one. 

This is still nonsense. You can't go below a 70, why? If the game isn't fun to play then why should it be above a 70? Of the points you made the game has great visuals, a long but truly awful story, awful music and an okay battle system but far too easy. The game plays smoothly? So? If the game isn't good then it playing smoothly doesn't somehow make it fun. 

You don't seem to understand what reviews are. They aren't a review of technical aspects, they are a review of the product as a whole. You will see that in reviews FF13-2 scores reasonably well for it's technical side, but if it isn't a good experience then it really doesn't matter. I again point out that under your logic you would HAVE to give 70/100 to a game that had good graphics, was long and wasn't broken even if there was no story and no gameplay. 

Oh also FF13-2 I would say does have a broken camera. Worst camera of any Jrpg I have ever played. Trying to rapidly spin it to handle the random encounters or look around in small areas is a total nightmare. It snaps to behind Noel far too quickly and in close areas constantly fights you to try and force you to look straight ahead.

Turkish says and I'm allowed to quote that: Uncharted 3 and God Of War 3 look better than Unreal Engine 4 games will or the tech demo does. Also the Naughty Dog PS3 ENGINE PLAYS better than the UE4 ENGINE.