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It was the last PSP game I bought. It looks sharp and plays well. Every time I get into it, I end up not playing it for a month. I'm not stuck or anything. I just have too many other options and the game hasn't sucked me in, yet. The biggest mark against the game is that I don't have the slightest idea how the battle system works. Being a portable game, I prefer to get in, have some fun, and get out. Lengthy tutorials don't help. I've destroyed any foe I've come up against but it still doesn't change the fact that I don't know what's going on.

I run around hacking at my foes, choosing magic spells, and healing with potions. Meanwhile, some sort of slot machine is spinning in the background. Then, the game goes crazy. Zack does some crazy move. I win the fight. I don't know what triggers it, how to optimize it, how to control it, or anything. I know the time is coming where I'm going to have to set up my party (is there ever going to be a party or is it just Zack?) just right or face "Game Over". I'd like to know what I'm doing, now.

Anyway, I'm at the point where I meet that female Turk and she runs off like an idiot.