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ethomaz said:
Reasonable said:
Not bad but the lack of US/Japan sales will hold it back from reaching the lofty heights of previous GT's unless Sony start bundling the title or advertising the new version a bit to make people aware of it again.

Would I be right in saying the franchise is showing growth in Europe/Asia but dropping in US/Japan? US is probably due to the big drop in install base for PS3 vs previous Sony consoles plus maybe a growing lack of interest in the genre.

In NA seems like the bolded part...

GT1: 3,990
GT2: 3,960
GT3: 7,140 (well... heavly bundled)
GT4: 3,230
GT5: 1,940 (conting yet)

GT1 and GT2 sold about the same in NA... GT3 was heavly bundled... and GT4 not sold the same like the previous GTs showing the loss of interest in the game... I can see GT5 reaching 2.8m yet in NA but not more than that.

Okay so it looks like dropping interest for whatever reason.  Bundling would no doubt help in US but probably nowhere near GT3 levels as at that time the game would have been riding PS2 demand I guess.  I guess LTD it'll finish north of 2M in US but it's hard to imagine it getting much past 2.5 at this point. The drop from just under 4M per title to just over 3m (ignoring GT3 blip) means GT5 will likely see a drop to at least 2.5 million.

As a steady seller it'll do fine in the end - particularly considering it's the first GT releasing on a Sony console with such a small share of install base.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...