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glimmer_of_hope said:
Mmmfishtacos said:
glimmer_of_hope said:
maverick40 said:
wow who cares. lame thread.

Wow gamers care, lame comment. If you don't like it.....please move alnog.

No, Die hard Nintedo fans care. Not gamers. They really don't care.

Nintendo fans are gamers, you think because you play MW3 that makes you a gamer? How about the fact Nintendo fans purchase more consoles and games for the industry. Oh but shooters arent as popular on Nintendo consoles so they arent!

So much fail on your part it's not even funny. When did I ever say they weren't gamers, but the fact that the hardcore Nintendo fan's are the ones who care about this crap. Because it's true, Who cares who did what first? It doesn't matter in the least. Besides, when did i ever claim to be a MW3 player? MW fell off after 2. But that's a whole different post. I like most gamers my age, grew up with Mario and Zelda. I still have much love for Nintendo, but they turned their backs on the core, to push motion gaming and gather a quick buck from the casuals. All that have moved on to the next in thing.