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I liked the review, like someone said before I like that the person is actually USING the 10 point scale. I rather see a 5-mediocore than a 8-9 "good" game knowing damn well the game is not anywhere close to that. Im not just referring to FF13, but to others as well.

So the reviewer didnt like the other one?? Ok, the man has a job to do, are people sure that they just didnt tell him to review it anyway. He said he liked the first 5 hours, but the rest of the game got boring. Unacceptable for a JRPG, the battle system did improve. But it still isnt anything I would call good. so that leave the narrative. Which still sounds like it sucks. Let me harp on the story a bit more, the general consensus is that it was lacking to say the least, but some reviewers throw 8s at it anyway. The battle system didnt improve that much, so that leads me to believe some dont value story that much in a JRPG, which i think is stupid. Call me old fashioned, but if im going to play your game for 40-60 hours, you better have good characters and a story that doesnt suck. I dont care how good the battle system is or how pretty the graphics are, if I dont care about the world im not going to play the game, and im thinking the reviewer feels similar