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man-bear-pig said:
Nik24 said:
Do you even know what propaganda is? I can't say how much your lack of knowledge annoys me.
Just take a minute to look up the economic development of the US during the last two years.
(A hint: it improved by A LOT)
It's not that hard to grasp, you should do that instead of screaming out your lack of education, intelligence and moderation on a games forum.

Obama hasnt been crap for the US economy, but he hasnt been as great as you're emplying either.

What can a President do for the economy?  Not too much by himself.  First he would need both Congress and Senate to pass any legislation that he supports that supposedly helps the economy.  With party line voting I am sure the Republicans would stall any bill that would be good for the country just to make him look bad.  If you know me then you know I hate both major parties.  I am just trying to point out that it is pretty pointless that everyone always points fingers at the President.  Something you can point a finger at President for?  How about the use of our military troops.  I can point the finger at every President that served after WW2 for starting pointless wars and conflicts.  Also, you can talk as much trash as possible to those that lie on campaign trail (here is hint: they all do that).  Like when Obama said he wouldn't resign the Bush tax cuts or that he would abolish the Patriot Act.  He obviously didn't do either.