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Nik24 said:
Do you even know what propaganda is? I can't say how much your lack of knowledge annoys me.
Just take a minute to look up the economic development of the US during the last two years.
(A hint: it improved by A LOT)
It's not that hard to grasp, you should do that instead of screaming out your lack of education, intelligence and moderation on a games forum.

The last two years were coincidentally the two years Obama lost some control over the government.

Though the economic reovery has largely been unrelated to government, only to be somewhat held up because people are worried about higher tax rates, compliance costs with the new Obama healthcare plan and other different regulatory issues like Dodd Frank.

I mean heck, the economy would be doing better except...

1) Corporations are holding on to more money then they've held on to every in recent history.  Why?  Worry about tax raises and healthcare compliance costs.

2) Banks aren't loaning out nearly as much money as they used to.  Why?  Dodd-Frank for one, which puts in some pretty tough money on hold guidelines,  which will insure nobody but those "Two big to fail" banks will be able to make loans.

Which is what we want... the two big to fail banks getting bigger.  Of course what can you expect when your Bank reform bill is written by two people who have gotten more money from banks then anyone and have had actual investigations about being bribed by banks.


Well that and the fact that the interst rates are so low at the fed, it doesn't really make anyone any money to lend to people, even if your sure of the investment!