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Zim said:
MontanaHatchet said:

Every console with a slower start is doomed until it's not. Remember that at one point the PS3 was getting outsold 7:1 in Japan by the Wii. Now it's doubling the Wii's sales weekly and is looking to finish the generation almost neck in neck. At least let the Vita release in more than one territory or let it get a big game first

.... is that a joke? Looking to finish the generation neck and neck? Wii in Japan 12.3m, Ps3 in Japan 7.8m. So to finish neck and neck the PS3 would need more than 50% of what it has already sold while the wii sold nothing. 

It would of course need this in around about 2-3 years before the focus totally shifts to next gen.

You don't understand. The Wii will start to have negative sales and its neck will be broken.