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Mythe said:
Too many people are in debt in Japan and in many other parts of the world, especially after the holiday season. This is why the Vita is hurting so much in Japan, and will hurt WW 1-2 weeks after the Vita launch. People can't afford to buy new things, but they want to buy new things and they will, but it won't be the Vita. People will look at the Vita and go; "I really want that.", "That looks sick.", "I would love to get a new handheld.", and they will buy a 3DS so they get that good feeling that they bought something new and saved money without breaking their wallet.

Don't get me wrong, I love the Vita. I even have the First Edition Bundle preordered, but without a price cut closer to the 3DS they won't get very far. In these times it's all about price. Technological advancement is not as important as it used to be, unless it's a major leap and/or a needed leap forward. Only a very few want to pay more for better graphics and a faster processor.

In short, there is no denying Nintentdo has some of the best and most fun game out there, and people can only play so much video games in a day. Why not save money and get a 3DS instead of a Vita, and still enjoy the highest quality games out there?

The bigger question being "why not save money and keep your PS3/360, not buy the Vita, but get a good deal of the Vita experience?"

Given that portability itself is less of a selling factor in the West, platform-distinguishing games are a must.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.