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Actually, sorry to disappoint, but you are wrong. Sony filed this Patent in 2010, while the WiiU controller patent was filed in early Feb 2011. Fail. I could just see you reading about the Sony patent and flailing around like a magikarp out of water as your stuck in fits of "Sony Copied Nintendo Siezures" even tho you didn't actually check the dates on which these patents were filed. Nice.

And im a huge fan of all things Nintendo. Its just that this time, noone really copied anyone. It was different when Sony ditched the original Ps1 controller when the N64 came out, added 2 analog sticks and rumble, that was BLATANT copying. But who cares? The games industry is better because of it. Nintendo innovates, everyone does something similar, everyone wins. Next minute you'll be complaining that just because someone came up with hybrid vehicles a while back, that now every car maker is making one. OHHH NOES THEY IS COPYING! /sigh