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EDIT: Actually, after I wrote those steps below, I turned on my PS3 to make sure I was giving the correct info, and I found out you can copy saved PS2 games directly to a USB flash drive. Just follow steps 2-5, and when it asks you for a destination, select the USB drive. unfortunately, there is no way to copy an entire virtual memory card with one click, so if you have a LOT of saved data, it may take you a while. To add stuff into the other PS3, just select the USB drive undery Memory Card utility, hit triangle, and copy the saved game to a virtual memory card in the second PS3.

I hope this edit isn't too confusing...

If you have the memory card adapter...
1) Put your PS2 memory card into the adapter and plug the adapter into your PS3.
2) Using the memory card utility under "game", select the virtual memory card that has the saved game you wish to transfer.
3) Open the virtual memory card and select the saved game you want.
4) Press the triangle key and click "Copy"
5) Your real PS2 memory card should appear as a destination, click on the real PS2 memory card to copy to it.

Hope that works for you.

<insert awesome signature here>