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Yah Ken was not likely the best choice. Sony needs to change its business model entirely it cannot continue to compete by brute force over powering competitors. Sony's PlayStation brand needs to change like I said above. Then Sony needs to streamline its branches.

Example new Sony movies should use Sony music at all times.paying cheaper resources while promoting its artists. Sony games.should also use Sony's music. Sony should utilize its great game resources by making film adaptations. Make sure Sony's future hardware has all of Sony's media available for cheaper then competitors hardware. With Sony hardware getting exclusive content.

Sony needs to release some.of those innovative ground breaking products. Like the foldable tablet I saw Sony showing a year ago. Sony needs to release a HEU Home Entertainment Unit a smart TV with a built in PS4 and all the features of a smart phone including land line phone capabilities with video chat using the built in camera.

Sony needs to reduce the amount of hardware being released each year. Trim off all nonessential staff close any bad


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer