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Nobody is saying Vita's is doomed just that it is not looking good. 15,000 units only weeks after launch is dismal. No which other console in Japan sold so few units only weeks into its launch? People should compare it to Nintendo's 3DS launch when Nintendo faced similar trouble.

Fact is if Sony can't sell at least a million units in two months in NA and Europe their will be trouble. It is the launch period when sales should be highest. If Sony fails to sell an acceptable level of hardware share holders and developers will panic.

Sony has a huge launch window lineup far more games then Nintendo had during its first few months on the market. Higher quality third party titles then Nintendo. More expensive games to developed than Nintendo's. If Sony cannot deliver larger numbers of hardware sales then 3DS did during its launch then Sony will face the same obstacle Nintendo did. Sony will need a price cut they will need to increase market share drastically to increase profits for third parties.

The announcement of Monster Hunter is a good start. They will need to keep God in development and other major games.


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer