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zarx said:
Pemalite said:

Some Battlefield 3. Everything is on Ultra, except for the Anti-Aliasing, I have to admit, I use this game as a benchmarking tool for my system and never really "played it" other than the first couple of levels in the single player, the story is boring for me just like call of duty's, but it looks pretty. :)


I think BF3 looks rather ugly TBH, the actual indevidual textures and models are a bit poor in places (buildings in those screens all look really basic and undetailed), effects are all good tho. And draw distance and destruction can be impressive.

Textures are a bit poor, however the effects are awesome.
Dice still had to design the game with the slow and old consoles in mind (And the average PC being a few years old), so can't expect everything.
It's still allot more than what other devs would have even bothered to do graphically.

Hopefully Mass Effect 3 supports Eyefinity, Mass Effect 1 and 2 don't unfortunatly, unless I throw my monitors in portrait mode (3240x1920), but being TN panels with poor viewing angles it looks like crap.
I'm still waiting on a Skyrim mod that will bring a decent UI that scales well to. :( Till then I've shelved that game.

Just for kicks. Here is some Minecraft in Eyefinity.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--