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And no, I only briefly played 1, and haven't played 3 yet. I still play 2, beaten single player 4 times, and tons of multiplayer. Currently, rather than getting UC3, I'm getting Twisted Metal, and saving for a Vita.

Every game is designed to be playable by anyone without having to play the previous ones. Just because a game has (oh noez) STORY doesn't mean it's like a chapter from a book. The only exception would maybe be mgs4, which was really much MORE enjoyable having played the first ones, buts till enjoyable even if you've never played mgs. All the other MGS games are fine standalone.

Series are always MORE ENJOYABLE when you've played them all, because you notice things more. It's exactly like Final fantasy. You've never played FF, so you go around etc etc. If you've played before, you know the tactics, you know that Cid has been in every game, you automatically know that there is a tonberry king in among the tonberry somewhere. You get references to things mentioned. That's the point of playing a whole series. That doesn't make ff7 not enjoyable as your first ff. It's the same with silent hill, or megaman, or any series really. I have no idea what your problem is. Nobody has this problem, because game makers don't design their games to only be enjoyable by people who've played the previous games.