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Being a huge fan of Black, I'd be interested in this. But after trying the demo, it seems a bit childish, controls a bit too loose, random heavy metal/ghostface killah rap (what does he have to do with twisted metal, i'll never know), and plays like a game from the 90s. Now, that's not saying something bad, but it doesn't feel..perfect. Although, I'll admit, its fun chasing someone and shooting missiles at em. And driving through houses as if they're made out of paper. 

All of this, of course, is just my opinion.

Skyrim 100%'d. Dark Souls 100%'d. 
Dark Souls > Skyrim.
Halo 4 is the best damn FPS since Halo 3.
Proud pre-orderer of 2 PS4's and an Xbox One. 

Currently Playing: Dark Souls II, South Park
Playstation 4: MGS V GZ, Killzone: Shadow Fall, NBA 2k14.