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I'm 100% digital with my music already.

Movies i'm like 70% streaming now with just a few blu rays here and there.

Portable gaming - My iphone is already digital and I'm all aboard being 100% digital with the vita.

Home gaming - I buy a ton of psn games partly 'cause their just so damn convenient. However, I'm not currently comfortable downloading "full" games just because they are upwards of 10Gb or more. This is:
A) slow to download
B) i have caps on my monthly download allowance
C) and (most importantly) unlike the vita I can't easily swap out hard drives. once that bad boy if full it's full and the whole delete re-download concept sucks. I have a 500Gb but between installs and everything else i already have 200Gb full. I'm scared to reach that max so I'm not willing to buy the "full" games. If they can make it more user friendly in the next gen i'm much more likely to go 100% digital.