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My copy of Soul Cal 4 still has the "Do not sell befor 7/29/08" sticker on the top of it. I got it on day 1 since I was a HUGE Soul Calibur fan at the time. Soul Blade was the third PS1 game I ever owned (logged in over 200 hour if I recall). Soul Cal was a beast on the Dreamcast. I got everything there was to get in Soul Cal 2's Edge Master Mode. I built an army in Soul Cal 3.

I don't think I've played Soul Calibur 4 five hours, yet. Something wasn't right with that game. I went from looking at every single trailer and finding every single scrap of info I could on that game to not even wanting to play it when I finally got it. I don't think I'll be getting Soul Calibur 5 any time soon. Like Tekken, Namco went to the well too many times and turned me off to the series (I'll probably buy Tekken on the 3DS, though).