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kivi95 said:
Dr.Grass said:
BasilZero said:
Dr.Grass said:
BasilZero said:
Nice to know their continuing the series and not dumping it like Insomniac did with Resistance.

Some of us would much prefer an original IP. You can't tell me your attached to the characters or story can you? So what's the point? They can always resurrect it later.

The same point why Nintendo's been successful with their own franchises.


Either ways, I've never played Killzone except for Liberation on PSP and it was awful lol.

Just stating maybe the reason why their franchises arent as appealing as Nintendo's is because people arent accustomed to their franchises because Sony makes a new IP and throws away old IPs every 5-6 years.

(Not saying its a bad thing to make new IPs, just putting aside old franchises and making new ones all the time pretty much takes them back to the drawing board)


Nintendo releases a new Mario/Zelda/Metroid only once or twice per gen. 

If Guerilla makes a completely new IP then it doesn't mean that they are throwing away Killzone. I rather think it would be better to release (some of) the established franchises once overy 3/4 years and work on original stuff the rest of the time.

Since when are Sony throwing away old IP's? The fact that they are building an impressive catalogue of franchises slowly over time is a massive strength of the PS brand.

For instance, there hasn't been a new Jak and Daxter game this gen, but it is very possible that they release one for the PS4 along with a new Uncharted. A team like Naughty dog (since they have 2 teams now) can do the following (for instance):

2013,  New Jak and Daxter(PS4 launch game)

2014, Original IP (PS4)

2015, New Uncharted (PS4)

2016, New The Last of Us (PS4)

Now doesn't that look like a promising plan? It incorporates both existing IP's and original one's as well. 




A Mario game once or twice per gen? You serious?

Just because Mario's face is on a baseball/soccer/whatever game doesn't mean it's a Mario game.

Not to mention that the 2D and 3D Mario's are completely different games. What to speak of Paper Mario.

So yes, the N64 had 1 3D Mario game. The Gamecube also had 1. The Wii had 2. The same holds for each genre in which Mario features. Read between the lines.