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Also some new info on Ciel No Surge

"Ciel no Surge: Song of the Lost Star’s Offering is not part of the Ar tonelico series, but the way you interact with Ionasol (shortened to "Ion" in the game) is a lot like diving into her mind.

Ion is a mysterious girl with amnesia. It’s your job to awaken her memories by connecting Ion to terminals and entering her mind. Inside you’ll see a broken world and repair points which you can mend together by using the power of Ciel. Fix these and you can restore Ion’s memories. Does any of this sound familiar? It might be because the director of the Surge Concerto games is also the director of the Ar Tonelico series."

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

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