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twesterm said:
Wow, those sure are awesome prerendered scenes, so far this game is shaping up to be an awesome looking movie. As for the game, maybe people should actually wait until they really know anything to confirm the game as awesome.

So far all we can figure from what has been said is that we have generic characters and a generic story.

 Blah...that's dumb...I don't care if the scenes are prerendered scenes....I don't care if it's all CG.  It's Final Fantasy.  I KNOW it will be a damned good game for one reason...there has been over a dozen before it and I've never played one that I didn't like (sure I've liked certain ones more--but overall, I've liked them all).  It's a proven IP, and the franchise that made me a gamer.  Final Fantasy runs in my blood and has never disappointed me--I'm a true diehard.   Airships, Chocobo's, & cliche stories, belts, & zippers & summons, firaga, blizzaga, & curaga--I love it all.

Tradition dictates respect, unlike so many other unproven, overhyped titles coming out this year (Too Human (new IP), Lost Odyssey (new IP), Halo Wars (new IP), Alan Wake (new IP), & Little Big Planet (new IP))...I'd rather hype a proven game and franchise with amazing consistency, than a new IP which is all that seems to get hyped recently. 

PSN ID: Sorrow880

Gamertag: Sorrow80

Wii #: 8132 1076 3416 7450