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Jay520 said:
NotStan said:
9.9 means a point has been deducted for whatever flaw has been found, 10 would mean that no flaws were found - the game is flawless. Giving a game a maximum score and then proceeding to say that the game is not perfect is a contradiction in itself.

What if the game is absolutely perfect, without any flaws? (Highly unlikely, but it's a hypothesis) does that mean that it will get 11/10? Because its completely perfect does that mean that it deserves same score as a game that has faults? If there is room for improvement, you reflect that in a score, the whole scoring system has really gone to shit this generation, other than the last few VGC reviews I struggle to find any worth reading on the Internet, as most are either moneyhatted or the score is altered to get more traffic, because it doesn't fall in line with the review.

You're looking at it from an objective perspective, analyzing every individual aspect as a influence on the score. That's fine, but you should also respect that some people are more subjective, and give their score on their overall experience with the game.

Again, you're looking at it from an objective perspective. A game like Tetris (or give me another game that's declared as perfect) might be perfect, objectively, but I wouldn't give it a 10/10 simply because my overall experience with the isn't the best of the best.

Hence why sites give different values for different aspects such as "Gameplay/Value/Presentation" etc, If you thought graphics would need improvement, you'd give it a 9.5, if you'd think value was great for you - ie great replayability you'd give it a 10 and if you thought gameplay is perfect it'd be a 10, add them all up and voila an average, grade the areas as they should be, and mention the graphical inconsistinces in the review etc.

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