coolbeans said:
o_O.Q said:
coolbeans said:
o_O.Q said:
coolbeans said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
kowenicki said: No shit. Luckily it wasn't devised for such a thing. When will people get it? Kinect isn't trying to be and doesn't need to be a total replacement control system. It's an alternative for certain types if games, and it works very well in those games. |
Four words: "Kinect for the core". Microsoft wants to force Kinect down our throats. I like Dance Central and all but its not a core game. Star Wars, Ghost Recon Kinect etc. All those games are better done with the Move than the Kinect and can be called core titles, but Sony needs to reach out to devs commercially the same way Microsoft does. They have a product of substance, so they need to put glitter on substance....its not as hard as they might think. Microsoft can put glitter on anything.
Who's to say they have but pubs/devs rejected the offers. Many motion development pursuits were used on the Wii already and Move has shown no differences in overall control scheme.
kinect hasn't really either imo
Sigh....since we're in 2012, that point isn't even worth arguing. The amount of new ideas given by the PC community makes your E3 fallout vids-and opinion-completely moot. *Rubs hands* Who's next?
were you talking about games support for an xbox 360 peripheral or hacks for pc?
if you were indeed talking about games support i don't see how what you said is relevant... if you can raise the argument of move's originality the same can be said for kinect in terms of how they are implemented into games for control
...or maybe i'm just seeing things and the gameplay types shown in the videos aren't similar at all
- Kinect isn't exclusively a 360 peripheral in the coming days.
- ...Except it can't. Despite it being a bad game, did any Eyetoy game give you the same control as Rise of Nightmares? Are Eyetoy games capable of controlling reponses from 3D perspective? Whether you call it a glorified eyetoy or not makes no difference to me, but there's still an advancement in what's being done rather than a refinement.
Why do people hold onto the "if one piece of tech is unoriginal, then the same must be said for the competitors" trope as if it makes their point unbiased?
"Kinect isn't exclusively a 360 peripheral in the coming days."
maybe but what is the context here? what kinect is capable of on pc or the control schemes it has had so far for gaming on 360?
"Are Eyetoy games capable of controlling reponses from 3D perspective?"
yes in eyepet for example players could interact with the pet in a 3d space
"did any Eyetoy game give you the same control as Rise of Nightmares?"
tbh i can't think of any eyetoy game that allowed for the player to move the game character like in RoN but thats one game that does that out of the whole kinect library so far
"trope as if it makes their point unbiased?"
the reason i responded in the first place is that you made your point against move as if kinect is offering something vastly different from what has been done and imo its clear to see that that isn't true