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KillerMan said:
osamanobama said:
incase people are still confused... socialism doesnt work.

America wake up

Yep. That is why Nordic countries and Germans are so fucked with their huge unemployement figures and rising bond yields. Oh wait...

Although his gross generalziation is silly... it is worth noting that until recently unemployment had been a huge problem among pretty much all socilized nations... to the point of where such high unemployment was termed "Eurostasis".

The kind of unemployment Germany had in the 90's 2000's is the kind of unemployment that would of caused panic in the streets US wise.  Up until about 05.  German unemploynment was lucky to be below 9%.

As an example

The one exception was Denmark, who while highly socialized had some of the most liberal (As in oldschool liberal IE Rightwing) labor policy laws in the world.  More so then the US even.


German Unemployment now tends to be low because there is no minium wage.


Socialism really isn't the issue when it comes to unemployment policy wise.  It's labor market liberalization that matters