I would sell the console for 349$ or 399$ (depnding on hardware) including Wiisports3 in bundle and 4 free games on system memory.
1.) Super Mario Bros 3 HD
2.) Zelda: A link to the Past HD
These two are an "ambassador" gift for long time Nintendo users. - 1080p resolution, redesigned sprites (but the ability to switch to classic graphics)
3.) Warioware Inc.
This game would be perfect to display and familiarize with the WiiU controller. It's a simple game that could be played by anyone, perfect for multiplayer. Plus, I guess it's cheap to produce.
4.) Art Academy: first lessions
I would offer the first chapter for free, since I think it would help the IP to become mainstream. Also it would be another good way to familiarize with the contoller and the touch-screen.
This way you'll have a well-rounded game offer avaliable out of the box. I would make all these games apper in video advertisment, with obviously a major focus on Wiisports.
I would also use a modified version of the WiiU bird/nature demo to introduce the system and settings during first boot (it's not important obviously but it would be neat).
As for 1st party launch games I would go with Wiisports, a sort of Wiiplay, Pikmin and Starfox; Wii fit and another core-game 5-6 months later. At launch or in the first year, dependently on 3rd party releases, I would release in America a complation game with an HD version of both Xenoblade and The Last Story.
I would make game demos avliable from the beginning. I would make Dreamcast and Gamecube games avaliable on VC, not necessarily on lauch, but in the first year.