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Thank goodness. Im tired of being disappointed by this series. R1 was the second game I got for my ps3. Loved the campaign, but knew they could do even better.

R2 came and I was really excited for it. But it seemed like a completely different game series, and not in a good way. The only redeeming thing about R2 in my and many others eyes was the fantastic 8 player coop mode. This had so much potential, especially if supported with DLC missions and new levels. It wasn't. So then I just knew it would appear in R3, refined and perfected and supported. But it didn't. So I at least had hope for the R3 campaign, but it bored me to tears, and was just sloppy all around IMHO. Took it back after 3/4 of the way through bc I had no desire to finish it, which is atypical for me.

Okay that's my rant. Idk what happened to the R1 insomniac, but I'm personally glad they're moving on from the series. It has a lot of potential, just has to be done right.