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Hmm, 6 times ? hope thats not true. I had a bad feeling when the first rumors came up that MS wants to use a SOC right from the start.

6 times is pathetic. That would mean the same graphic with higher resolution and slightly better AA. It would be like a 1080p remake of todays games. No changes at all. Or they would give up on 1080p and make games in 720p benefit from the power increase.

Imo it should be atleast a 10 fold power increase. A 6670 in 2013 ? A 3 year old low end GPU.

I know consoles arent about graphics but they always reflected some progress and I am not satisfied with todays games for real progress there must be enough HP. If that rumor is true which I doubt I hope Sony doesnt do the same thing. This are the after effects of the Wii s success it seems, like I always feared.

I am probably one of the few who likes the power of PC and the comfort of consoles united in one box. Kinect 2 included is also something I dont like aside from the fact it drains computing power from the console (even if not used if the game has a Kinect functionality). I dont want to pay for something I dont want.

Just hope its not as bad as it looks right now (to me atleast).